Yvette Claire Rosser

Yvette Claire Rosser

A grant was given to Ms. Yvette Rosser, a PhD candidate at the University of Texas at Austin, in support of academic research activities to write a series of related research papers addressing core issues about the study of India. The material for these papers will be drawn primarily from social studies textbooks and other historical and educational documents meant to be used by students when studying about India. Many of Ms. Rosser’s essays can be found on our sister site, The Mandala of Indic Traditions, under “Society Essays.”

A second use of grant funds will be to design and conduct surveys to gauge the perceptions concerning Indic Traditions among different segments of the American population. These preliminary surveys will be conducted in several localities. Ms. Rosser will analyze the data, seeking both to draw preliminary conclusions from it, but also, and more importantly, test the validity of the survey design itself. This research will hopefully enable the scientific design of surveys to be conducted on a national scale, both in America and India. The hoped for result of this project will the preparation of these national surveys; the actual implementation of the national surveys is not covered under this grant. More information on this project is available at: http://www.infinityfoundation.com/mandala/s_pr/s_pr_survey_frameset.htm