The Trenton Area Soup Kitchen -(T.A.S.K.) was founded by a small group of individuals from local churches and social service agencies. Their goal: Feed the truly needy people of Trenton five days a week.
T.A.S.K. opened its doors to the hungry on January 13,1982 by serving a hot meal to a few dozen people in the basement of the First United Methodist Church. By the end of 1982, more than 40,000 lunches had been served.
T.A.S.K. currently resides on Escher Street in Trenton in a building on land that the city of Trenton made available. It took four years to raise the money to build the building which contains a large dining area, a fully equipped kitchen and storage area and three small “outreach rooms” from which various outside agencies provide a wide range of health and human care services.
T.A.S.K. currently offers medical care referrals, drug and alcohol courses, clothing vouchers, assistance with finding a place to live, legal care for the mentally disabled, food stamp certification, use of their phone for housing, job search, appointments and social services, support in job searching and adult and children arts and crafts classes.
T.A.S.K. has developed an excellent pre GED and GED program, staffed by volunteer tutors. The program maintains an average enrollment of 25 students.
This grant was used to feed and educate the needy people of Trenton