California Institute of Integral Studies
California Institute of Integral Studies
00-01, 01-02, 02-03 travel grants
This grant was given to the California Institute of Integral Studies to enable them to send a candidate to the “Integral Psychology World Conference” in January 2001, to the “International Conference on Mind and Consciousness: Various Approaches” in January 2002, and to the “National Conference on Yoga and Indian Approaches to Psychology” in September 2002 to lecture as a representative of The Infinity Foundation. To view a copy of this lecture titled, “Relativism and Its Relevance for Psychology,” by Kundan Singh, please click here.
00-01 grant
This grant was given to sponsor a two-day task-oriented residential retreat in December 2001 at the Institute of Noetic Sciences, for approximately twenty selected leaders of Prison/Meditation projects (including three from India), scholar-translators and Correction officials and thirty selected conference observers. to view a report on this conference, please see: /prison-meditation-and-yoga-conference-report/ .